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Money, Money, Money: A Gender Equal Economy

International Women’s Day Festival is a time for debate, education, and celebration. We’re creating shared digital spaces for you, the audience, along with academics, community organisers, activists and artists to explore universal feminist topics.

Women are bearing the brunt of the economic and social fallout of COVID-19. Women are 1.5 times more likely to be furloughed, be made redundant, or experience job insecurity.

Women are also carrying out most of the non-developmental childcare; 75% of mothers have said they are carrying the lion’s share of looking after the household and children.  

In 2020 Equal Pay Day, the date women effectively start working for free compared to men managed to move 6 days later in the year from 14 to the 20 November – a small but positive change. As well as the gender pay gap, the gender pension and gender savings gaps have also seen positive change. However, as the impact of the pandemic becomes more apparent, will we see this work undone? 

Feminism is about financial freedom and a fairer, more equitable economy is central to that. An expert panel will discuss the impact of the pandemic and what a gender-equal economy might look like. 

Thank you to Lynn Carvill, Chief Exec at WOMEN'STEC, who co-curated this event. Panellists include Siobhan Harding, Women’s Support Network, Janine Maher, Money and Pensions Service, Roseann Kelly, Women in Business, and Lynn Carvill.

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