Changing the conversation: Queering the women, peace and security agenda
What does meaningful conversation on women, peace and security look like? What does queering the agenda mean – and how can it help change the conversation?
This online session co hosted by Women’s Platform and HEReNI, will introduce the Queering the Women, Peace and Security agenda toolkit, developed by Queen’s University Belfast with Christian Aid and the Colombian LGBTQ+ organisation Colombia Diversa.
Register here

Raise Your Voice Bitesize workshops - Allyship
Bitesize Lunchtime Workshops
Log in for for a short taster sessions of a Raise Your Voice workshop
Email sarah.stack@wrda.net to register for free.

Raise Your Voice Bitesize workshops - Digital Abuse
Bitesize Lunchtime Workshops
Log in for for a short taster sessions of a Raise Your Voice workshop on Sexual Harassment.
Email sarah.stack@wrda.net to register for free.

After Violence - report launch
Women’s Policy Group Report Launch
'After Violence' explores the experiences of survivors with the justice system and the state.
Galway House
Register here

Sex Workers Rights as Human Rights
Developed by sex workers, this training will enhance participants’ knowledge including:
What is sex work?
Appropriate language and terminology
Barriers, stigma, and discrimination experienced by sex workers
Models of laws, what do sex workers want?
Sex worker services including information about SWAI
How you can provide sex worker-friendly services
Belfast LGBTQ+ Centre
Email Danielle to register danielle@reclaimtheagenda.org

World Aids Day
UNISON LGBT+ are hosting Positive Life who will lead an interactive session and UNISON’s Martin McConnellogue will talk about the union’s history on AIDS activism. This will be complemented with some short films, music and a chance to win some festive prizes.
A collection will take place in aid of Positive Life.
Registration from 10:30am, event followed by lunch.
Galway House
Email l.ohara@unison.co.uk to register

Nawal Slemiah - co-operation under occupation
Here from Nawal Slemiah, Director of the Women in Hebron Co-operative at 7pm in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich.
More information:-

Raise Your Voice Bitesize workshops - Victim Blaming
Bitesize Lunchtime Workshops
Log in for for a short taster sessions of a Raise Your Voice workshop on Sexual Harassment.
Email sarah.stack@wrda.net to register for free.

Raise Your Voice Bitesize workshops - Sexual Harassment
Bitesize Lunchtime Workshops
Log in for for a short taster sessions of a Raise Your Voice workshop on Sexual Harassment.
Email sarah.stack@wrda.net to register for free.