Reclaim the Agenda is a coalition of feminist, youth, LGBTQ+ & community organisations
Reclaim the Agenda connects and mobilises women to promote feminist activism through education, campaigning and celebration.
We want a world where all women are safe and secure to reach their potential and have an active role in society, and all women can be active change makers and have equal access to power.
We are striving for-
A life free from poverty
A life free from discrimination
To have healthcare services that meet our particular needs
A life free from domestic and sexual violence and abuse
To live in a world where women are equally represented as decision makers
To have access to good, affordable and flexible childcare
Our work will be guided and informed by our belief in and commitment to :
A feminist perspective
- feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression (bell hooks) as informed by women’s experiences
A rights based approach
- embedding international women’s rights standards
- recognising how race, class, gender, and other individual characteristics “intersect” with one another and overlap - a lens through which you can see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects.
- actively challenging systemic racism & white supremacy in society
Trans inclusive
- supporting all women regardless of the gender they were assigned at birth.
- opposing prejudice based on community background
Embodying the pillars of UNSCR 1325 on women, peace & security - In the Northern Ireland context and internationally including recognising the disproportion impact of conflict on women, particularly sexual violence, and the ways in which wars displace people
- recognising the different strengths of our partners and added value of collaborators
Equality & equity
- enabling access to the same, fair opportunities by treating people differently as dependent on need
Flexibility & adaptability
- maximising opportunities and being responsive to a changing environment
Environmental sustainability
- recognising the climate crisis as a feminist issue and campaigning for a just transition